"Anomalous of Water" is a "Characteristic of Water" which doesn't have by the other elements. This characteristic shows that water volume that is shrunk when it's being heated between 0 - 4 degrees of Celsius, otherwise its volume is expanded when it's being frozen between 4 - 0 degrees of Celsius. That's so different with another element like iron, steel or even element from gas.
The other elements will be expanded if it's being heated and will be shrunk if it's being frozen. This unique "Characteristic of Water" is a strange thing or odd thing, but because water has this unique characteristic, the life in this earth become complete and stable. With this unique characteristic, a stone can be broken and become soil naturally, all animals which are in the deep sea can live longer in the winter. How beautiful this life!
Hmmm... I think that's all that I can share about "Anomalous of Water", don't forget to read my next post about "Live as Water - LAW Quotes". See you, bye...
Hmmm... I think that's all that I can share about "Anomalous of Water", don't forget to read my next post about "Live as Water - LAW Quotes". See you, bye...
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